
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Twice Baked Potato Casserole (YSA for about 75 or so)

For this many people I usually put this with 3 large hams, fancy green beans, and different types of rolls. 

60 large potatoes
6 cubes butter
6 c. sour cream (use light or your veins may clog)
3 c. cream
4 1/2 lb. bacon
4 Tblsp. salt
3 Tblsp. pepper
3 lb. extra sharp white cheddar cheese
6 c. mild or sharp cheddar (from Aldi)
3 c. green onion, chopped finely
18 eggs

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Scrub potatoes well and rinse under running water.  Pat dry with papertowels and prick potatoes in several places with fork.  Place in oven and bake for 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours till tender.  Remove from oven and set aside on wire rack till cool enough to handle.
When potatoes have cooled, cut each potato in half and scoop the flesh out of the skins, leaving as little flesh as possible.  Place potato flesh in large bowl and add butter, sour cream, cream, salt and pepper.  Mash until chunky-smooth.  Add bacon, cubed white cheddar, half the grated cheddar, the green onions and eggs and mix thoroughly.
Butter 3 large foil tins and reduce temperatyure to 375 degrees.
Place potato mixture in pan , top with remaining grated cheese.  Bake for 45 - 50 min. or until bubbly around edges and heated through and cheese on top is melted and lightly brown. 

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