
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Scalloped Potatoes

One day when Mom and Dad were out, I had sue vided (?) a delicious rump roast.  I needed a side, but I didn't want to do mashed potatoes cause Emilie's birthday was only a week away and she likes those for her dinner.  I though about rice or couscous, but I had a 10lb. bag of Idaho's that really needed to be used, so I got on Pinterest (of course) and searched potatoes.  This recipe looked fairly easy and fast.  It ended up turning out great, mostly because I used Tillamook extra sharp cheese.  You can use ordinary sharp cheese and I'm sure it will still be great.  The recipe is actually not very big, so I doubled it.  When you do that, make sure you cook it longer - I learned that the hard way...oh well, they were still yummy. The regular recipe is made in an 8 x 8 pan or small casserole.  I used a 9 x 13 pan.

4 c. thinly sliced potatoes (about 4 medium - I of course, use Idaho's)
3 Tblsp. butter
3 Tblsp. flour
1 1/2 c. milk
1 tsp. salt
1 dash cayenne pepper
1 c. grated x-sharp cheese
1/2 c. more to sprinkle on top
paprika (not smoked) - just for color

1.  In a small saucepan, melt butter and blend in flour
2.  Let sit for a minute
3.  Add milk, stirring with a whisk
4.  Season with salt and cayenne pepper
5.  Cook sauce on low till smooth and boiling, stirring occasionally with a whisk
6.  Reduce heat and stir in cheese
7.  Place 1/2 cheese sauce over potatoes
9.  Repeat with the second layer of potatoes and cheese sauce
10.Sprinkle with remaining cheese on top
ll.  Top with paprika for color
12. Bake uncovered for about 1 hour at 350 degrees (or 1 1/2 hours if doubled)

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